হটলাইন: 01740-486123 (10am - 7pm)
Doctor's Category
Ex-Principal and Head of Department (ENT) Khulna Medical College, Khulna Reg: No-A13980
MBBS, DOC (Skin), CCD (Bardem) DFM, MCPS, FCGP (Family Medicine) Fellow, Sexology and Psychosexual Therapy Professor, Gazi Medical College Hospital, Khulna. Former Principal, Ad-Deen Akiz Medical College Hospital, Khulna and Ad-Deen Sakina Women's Medical College Hospital, Jessore.
MBBS; BCS (Health) FCPS (Part-I) Special Training (General & Laparoscopic Surgery) Assistant Registrar (Surgery) 250 bedded General Hospital, Khulna
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) MS Urology Urologist & Andrologist (Kidney Prostate, Urethral and Genital Tract) Specialists and Surgeons, Khulna Medical College, Khulna.
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) FCPS (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Assistant Professor and Head of Department Khulna Medical College, Khulna
MBBS, BCS (Health); FCPS (Surgery) Assistant Professor (Surgery) Khulna Medical College General, Laparoscopic, Breast and Colorectal Surgeons
MBBS, DGO, FCPS, Gynecology & Obs & Surgeon, Experience in Infertility Treatment - Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna Gynecology and Infertility Specialist