হটলাইন: 01740-486123 (10am - 7pm)
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery),FCPS (Urology), MCPS (Surgery),FRCS(Glasg), MRCS (Glasg), FMAS (India), DMAS (India), FACS(USA),FICS(USA) Urologist, General, and Laparoscopic Surgeon. Surgery Specialist, Urology Department Associate professor CMH Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) General and Laparoscopic Specialist and Surgeon Highly trained in Pediatric Surgery and Collective Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncology, National Cancer Research Institute and Hospital. Mohakhali, Dhaka
MBBS, MS (Surgery) Colorectal, Hepatobiliary, Laparoscopic & General Surgeon with Advanced Training in Rectal & Rectal Surgery Surgical Specialist with Advanced Training in Laparoscopic Surgery, Department of Surgery Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (PG Hospital), Shahbagh, Dhaka.
MBBS (DMC) BCS (Health) MS (Ortho-Surgery) Trained in Spine Surgery (Singapore) Operative Spine Course, Ganga Hospital (India) Specialist in Orthopedic and Spine Surgery National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute (NITOR) Dhaka
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery) Gold Medalist MS (Colorectal Surgery) American College of Surgeons Shaheed Sehrawardy Medical College Hospital Specialist in General and Colorectal Surgery
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery), Assistant Professor Department of Surgery, Breast and colorectal surgery Shaheed Sehrawardy Medical College Hospital
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery) Consultant (Surgery) Trained in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery (India) General and laparoscopic surgeons
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS, Associate Professor and Head of Department, Sheikh Russell National Gastroliver Institute & Hospital. Specialists in Gallstones, Appendix, Hernia, Piles, Fistula, Tumor Surgery.
MBBS, D-Ortho (BSMMU) Specialists in bone-joint, arthritis pain, disability, and spine Assistant Professor - Orthopedic and Trauma Surgeon. National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute (NITOR) Dhaka.
MBBS (CMC), BCS (Health), MCPS (Surgery) FCPS (Surgery) General & Laparoscopic Surgeon Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS (Dhaka Medical College), BCS (Health) FCPS (surgery) Consultant Surgery General, laparoscopic, breast, and colorectal surgeon Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Medical College Hospital
MBBS (DU), D-Ortho (Pongu Hospital) DU Senior Consultant-Orthopedic Surgery National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institution (Nitore) Pongu Hospital, Dhaka. Orthopedic and Trauma Specialist and Surgeon Trauma, Fractures, Knee Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lame and Paralysis
MBBS, MS (Ortho), Nitore / Lame Hospital Senior Consultant, Orthopedic Trauma and Surgeon. (Bone & Joint Specialist)
MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (DU), WHO (Thailand), A0 Fellow (India) Fellow, Spartans & Arthroscopic Surgery (Singapore). Orthopedic & Trauma Surgeon, (Arthritis-pain injury to bone joints)
MBBS, MS (Ortho Surgery), BSMMU (PG Hospital) Associate Professor (Department of Orthopedic Surgery). Shamarita Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka. (Orthopedic Surgeon)
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) MS (Colorectal Surgery-BSMMU) Assistant Professor (Department of Surgery), Sheikh Sahara Khatun Medical College, Gopalganj.
Consultant (Orthopaedic Surgery) National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Ser-E-Bangla Nagor MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (NITOR) BCS (Health), Code-128344 BMDC Reg: No:- A-59207
MBBS, MCPS, FCPS (Surgery), PBGMS General and Laparoscopic Surgeons Specialist in classified surgery Border Guard Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery) Assistant Professor, Surgery General, Laparoscopic, Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgeon BIHS General Hospital (An Enterprise of Bangladesh Diabetic Association)
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Ortho Surgery) Higher Training (& Trauma), Thailand, Higher Training (HAT) Pune, Delhi, India, Consultant NITOR (Paralysis Hospital), Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthopedic), Jangu Hospital, Dhaka. Bone, Fracture and Rheumatism Specialist and Surgeon, Pangu Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho (NITOR) Orthopedic Specialist & Trauma Surgeon, Pangu Hospital
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery), Assistant Professor, Surgery, General, Laparoscopic, Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgeon BIHS General Hospital (An Enterprise of Bangladesh Diabetic Association)
MBBS, FCPS, MRCS (England), FRCS (Glasgow) General Laparoscopic and Hepatobiliary Surgeon Specially trained in rectal and breast surgery Former Associate Professor (Surgery) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (PG Hospital), Dhaka.
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery) General, Breast, Colorectal and Laparoscopic Surgeon Surgery Specialist (Ex), Square Hospital Ltd., Dhaka. Assistant Professor (Surgery) Munnu Medical College Hospital, Manikganj.
MBBS, (DMC), FCPS (Surgery) foo Gold Medalist, General Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon Surgery Specialist, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.
MBBS, D-Ortho (Orthopaedics), Sprains, fractures, rheumatism, sprains and strains, Orthopedic, Trauma and Spine Surgeons, Singapore, India (AIMS), Member-Asia Pacific Spine Society BSMMU (PG Hospital, Dhaka)
MBBS, D-Ortho (BSMMU) Orthopedics, Fractures, Rheumatism, Disabilities, Spine Specialists, Orthopedic, Trauma and Spine Surgeons, Assistant Professor National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute (Pangu Hospital), Dhaka.
MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (BSMMU) MRCS (England), MRCS (Edinburgh) A. & Spine (Advance) Former Assistant Professor, T. M. M. C. H and S. M. C. H. Dhaka. Consultant: Orthopaedics, Trauma and Spine Surgeon, Orthopedics, Trauma and Spine Surgeon
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Ortho) Assistant Professor (Orthopedic Surgery) National Institute of Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation (NETORE)
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) MPH (BSMMU) D-Orthopedics (Pangu Hospital) Orthopedic & Trauma Surgeon (Former Orthopedic Hospital & Rehabilitation Institute) Assistant Professor Ortho-Surgery) Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and hospital.
MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS, MCPS (Gyne & Obs) Consultant (Gyne & Obs), Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Dhaka. BMDC Reg No. A-32335
MBBS, FCPS (Gynecology & Obs) Specially Trained in Infertility, Associate Professor (Dept. of Gynecology) Uttara Mahila Medical College Hospital, BMDC Reg No. A-35316
MBBS, D-Ortho (DU), FOS (NUH, Singapore) Senior Consultant & Ex Orthopedic Surgeon National Crippled Hospital & MOH, Saudi Arabia, Trauma Center & A & Orthopedic Hospital. BMDC Reg.No.A-6188
Jaba MBBS, (Dhaka), BCS (Health) FCPS (Gynecology & Obs.) Assistant Professor (Department of Gynecology) Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Dhaka. BMDC Reg No. A-35408 Patient Visiting Hours : 5.30 PM - 7 PM (Saturday, Monday & Wednesday)
MBBS, MS (Ortho) Department of Orthopedics. BMDC Reg No. A-595726
MBBS (DU), D-Ortho (BSMMU) Orthopedic and Trauma Surgeon, Fellow World Health Organization (Thailand) Assistant Professor (Department of Orthopedic Surgery) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka. BMDC Reg No: 35285
MBBS, MS(Orthopedics) Associate Professor & Head Of Department (Orthopedic Surgery). Monno Medical College & Hospital
MBBS, FCPS, MRCS (UK) Associate Professor General Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon Tairunnecha Memorial Medical College, Gazipur.
MD (USSR), ACGS (USSR), FCPS (FEAC) General & Laparoscopic Surgeon Former Surgical Specialist; CMH Dhaka United Nations Ex-Divisional Surgeon (Anumoz)
MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery) MRCS (England), FACS (America) Head General, Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon, Department of Surgery, Government Employees Hospital.
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery) MS (Colorectal Surgery) General, Breast & Colorectal Surgery Specialist Assistant Professor Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (PG Hospital)
MBBS, MS (Colorectal Surgeon) BCS (Health) Colorectal, Breast, and Laparoscopic Surgeon Kurmitola General Hospital Dhaka.
MBBS (Dhaka), MS (Orth.), Higher Training (India) Specialist in Fractures, Sprains, Rheumatology & Paralysis Professor & Former Head of Department Armed Forces Medical College & CMH, Dhaka.
MBBS, D-Ortho (Ortho Surgery) BCS (Health), AO (Basic Trauma) Orthopedics, Rheumatology & Trauma Surgeon, NITOR (Cripple Hospital), Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho (BSMMU) Bone, Joint & Trauma Specialist & Surgeon Orthopaedic Specialist National Institute of Traumatology & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR)
MBBS, MPH, MCPS (Gynecology & Obs) Sir Salimullah Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS (Dhaka), MPH B.S.M.M.U. D-Orthopedics (Dhaka) Former Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institution Assistant Professor (Ortho-Surgery) Shaheed Suhrawardy College and Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedics) Orthopaedics, Rheumatology & Trauma Specialists & Surgeons Orthopedic Specialists & Trauma Surgeons National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute, (NETOR), Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Gynecology & Obs) Gynaecologist, Obstetrician & Gynaecologist & Resident Surgeon Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, FCPS (Gyne & Obs.) DGO (BSMMU) Assistant Professor BIHS General Hospital, Dhaka.
Former Associate Professor and Head of Unit, FWHO Ortho (Bangkok, Japan). MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (DU) Fellow Joint Replacement (India) National Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Hospital (Pangu Hospital)
MBBS, BCS, FCPA (Surgery) Surgical Specialist and Surgeon Specially trained in the treatment of head and neck injuries National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital.
MBBS, D-Ortho Professor and Head of the Department of Orthopedics Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS(Health) MS(Orthopedics) Member AOSpine (Switzerland) Trained in Spine and Trauma Surgery (Aeospine and Aeotrauma) Dhaka Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, (DMC) DGO MCPS, FCPS Delta Medical College & Hospital.
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital.
MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (BSMMU) AO Spine Principal Course (BD), Member of AO Spine (Switzerland) Ex Consultant (Ortho Spine Surgery) Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical Hospital, Dhaka.
Associate Professor (Retd.), MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (DU) Fellow Joint Replacement Surgery (India), FWHO Ortho (Bangkok, Japan) Ex-Senior Consultant Associate Professor & Unit Head NITOR (Pangu Hospital) Dhaka.
M.B.B.S., D.Ortho Fellow - WHO (Thailand) Fellow - I.A.E.A. (Singapore) Basic A. and (Malaysia) Orthopedic, Rheumatology, Trauma and Disability Specialists and Surgeons Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery.
MBBS, BCS (Health), D Ortho Orthopedic & Trauma Surgeon Assistant Professor National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute (NITOR) Tema and Joint Replacement Surgeon and Rheumatology and Spine Specialist.
MBBS, (Dhaka) MCPS, DLO (DU) FCPS (ENT), Higher Training Otology (National University Hospital) Singapore Associate Professor Nose, Ear and Throat Specialist and Head-Neck Surgeon TNT Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon (Classified) CMH Dhaka & Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthopedic Surgery) in Trauma & Advanced Cadaver Spine (India) Fellowship in Endoscopic Spine Surgery (India) Orthopedic Consultant Trauma and Endoscopic Spine Surgeon National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute Pangu Hospital, Netor, Dhaka.
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health), D Ortho AO Trauma Advanced (Australia), Specially Trained in Orthopedic Fellowship in Arthroplasty (Delhi, India) Orthopedic Specialist and Trauma Surgeon Specialist in Arthritis, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Sprains, and Fractures.
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho (BSMMU) Orthopaedics, Trauma Specialists and Surgeons, National Institute of Orthopedic Hospitals and Rehabilitation, (Cripple Hospitals).
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthopedics) Consultants, National Orthopedic Hospital & Rehabilitation Institute (Cripple Hospital).
MBBS, ACPS (Surgery), FCPS (Surgery) Higher Training – All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India Department Head Department of Pediatric Surgery Combined Military Hospital, Dhaka Cantonment Consultant - Universal Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.
Mbnis, MS (Ortho), NITOR Fellow in Orthopedics & Agora (Turuksh), Mark Agorati Course (India) Avvhag Training Hon Argogupi & Sports Medicine (Fans & Agan) Fellowship Training Ton Agokshapi (Korea), Ama Course Bone Joint, Rheumatology, Knee, Big, and Short Ointment Specialists and Orthopedic Surgeon Professor, Orthopedics Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka. Chief Surgeon General, CMH Dhaka.
MBBS, MS (Ortho) Fellowship in Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty (India) Orthopaedic, Trauma & Joint Replacement Surgeon Associate Professor Orthopedic Surgery Universal Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS (DMC), MS (Pangu Hospital) Orthopedic & Trauma Surgeon Assistant Professor Department of Orthopedic Surgery Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, MS (Orthopedic) A.O. Trauma (Switzerland) Specially Trained Orthopedic Specialist in Traumatology, Spine & Pain Management, NITOR (Pangu Hospital) Consultant - Universal Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, (DMC), MS (Plastic Surgery) Trained in Microsurgery' (Interplant, USA) Professor, Plastic Surgery Dhaka Medical College & Hospital.
MBBS (DMC) MCPS, FCPS, MRCS (UK) FMAS, Laparoscopy (India). Post Fellowship Training Colorectal, Hepatobiliary Laparoscopy Ed Bariatric Surgery (India) General, Laparoscopic & GI Surgeon Associate Professor, Department of Surgery Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (Formerly PG Hospital)
MBBS, FCPS, FRCS (London) General, Laparoscopic, Colorectal and Cancer Surgeon Professor, Head of Department, Uttara Modern Medical College Hospital Ex-Head, Department of Surgery Dhaka Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, FCPS FW HO Urology, Australia, General & Naparoop Sajan Ladoo Professor Surgery & Urology.
MBBS, D (Ortho), MS (Ortho) Fellow Orthoscopic and Arbopasti (New Delhi) & Eddas Fellow (Tra) Trauma, Orthopedic and Orthoscopic Surgery Bangladesh Medical College.
MBBS, MS (Orth. Surgery), NITOR Fellow in Hand, Trauma Plastic & Microsurgery (India) Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopedic Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, BCS, D-Ortho, MS (Ortho) NITOR, FACS (USA) Trained in Arthroscopy & Sports Trauma (India) Consultant (Ortho Surgery) National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (Pongu Hospital)
MBBS, MRCS (Eng), FCPS (Surgery) Advanced Training in Gastric & Colorectal Cancer Surgery (UK) Advanced Training in Hernia Surgery (India) Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery Dhaka Central International Medical College & Hospital.
MBBS, MS (Ortho) Fellow Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty (India) Assistant Professor NITOR (Pangue Hospital), Dhaka.
(MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) MS (Ortho), D-Ortho (Nitore Paralytic Hospital) MRCS-Surgery (England) Consultant, Orthopedics & Surgery Paralytic Hospital (Nitore), Dhaka.
MBBS (Karachi Dow) MS (Surgery) Breast and Rectal Surgery. Family Medicine and Surgeons (Breast, Rectal, Piles and Fistula, Diabetes, Hormones, and Paediatrics)
BBS (SSMC), MS (Ortho), Fellow Spine Surgery (India, Bangkok) Dalo MISS (Bangkok), Fellow Microdisc Surgery (Germany) Orthopedic, Trauma & Spine Surgeon Department Head, Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka.
MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics) Consultant, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Orthopaedic Rheumatology Specialist and Surgeon.
MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health) D-Ortho (Disabled Hospital), MMAd (BSMMU) a. O. Member (Switzerland) Assistant Professor, Orthopedics Center for Medical Education, Mohakhali, Dhaka Orthopedics, Rheumatism, Trauma Specialist and Orthopedic Surgeon.
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) M. S (Orthopedic Surgery) Orthopedic and Trauma Surgeon National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute-Netore (Cripple Hospital), Dhaka Orthopedic, Rheumatic, Spine, Trauma Specialist and Orthopedic Surgeon.
MBBS, CCD (Bardem), FCPS (Surgery) Certified Diabetologist Associate Professor (Department of Surgery) Anwar Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital trained in General, Laparoscopic, Breast & Colorectal Surgery.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (General Surgery) Specialist in General and Laparoscopic Surgery Rangpur Medical College Hospital.
MBBS (Dhaka), MS (Ortho) Basic AO Spine Course (Singapore) Orthopedic & Trauma Surgeon (Orthopedic & Paraplegic Specialist) Ex-Professor & Head of Department Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Ortho-Surgery) AO Trauma (Basic & Eds) Fellowship in Joint Replacement (India), Member, AO Spine Arthritis, Pain, Osteoarthritis, Joint Replacement & Spine Specialists & Surgeons Consultant National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute (NETOR), Dhaka.
MBBS, MCPS, MPH, DGO, MS (Gynae & Obs) DMU (Ultrasonography) Fellow of Minimal Access (Laparoscopic) Surgery, India Diploma in Assisted Reproductive Technology, India Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ultrasonography, India, BCS (Health) Professor (CC) (Gynae & Obs) Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka Specialist in Infertility, Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Surgeon
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery) Vascular, Endovascular & Laser Specialist Surgeon Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases & Hospital, Dhaka
MBBS (Du) D. Ortho (Du) Assoc. Professor (Ortho) Northern international medical college & hospital.
MBBS, D-Ortho (BSMMU-PG Hospital) Orthopedics & Trauma Surgeon Sir Salimullah Medical College, Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) D Ortho (Cripple Hospital), Dhaka Orthopedic & Rheumatology Specialist & Orthopedic Surgeon. Junior Consultant Faridpur Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, (Dhaka) PGT (Gyne & Obs) DSU Honorary Medical Officer Sher-e-Bangla Medical Hospital) Barisal.
MBBS, (SSMC) (D-Ortho) Orthopedics Surgeon Ex-Assistant Professor, MH Shamrita Medical College Ex-Orthopedic Specialist, Azgar Ali Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (BSMMU), AO Basic Trauma Orthopedics & Trauma Surgeon, Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery Ad-Din Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS, (Ortho) National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute (NETOR) Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedic Surgery) Trauma & Orthopedic Surgeon National Orthopedic Hospital & Rehabilitation Institute (Pangu Hospital), Dhaka.
FCPS (Surgery) Trained in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery (Italy, France) Ex. Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital, Head of Burn and Plastic Surgery Unit and Professor.
MBBS (Dhaka) D-Ortho M.S. (Ortho) NITOR (Cripple Hospital) Trained in A.O. (Spine) Advanced Training in A.O. (Trauma) Orthopedics, Paralysis, Rheumatism and Spine Specialist Professor, Orthopedic Surgeon Assistant Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, MCPS, FCPS Professor and Head of Department Surgery Z, H, Sikdar Women's Medical College and Hospital Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) D-Ortho, MS (Finance) Associate Professor (Ex) National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute Center (NITOR)
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS), MS (FACS (USA) Advanced Trauma, Course Certed (Tula versity USA) Felow, Russian Scenic Cars For Restorative Traumatology & Orthopaedics (RSC, RTOL, Russ, Orthopaedic and Szarov Surgece Assistant Professor (Ortho Mizarov), Ex-Consultant, Metry of Heath ( Maldives & Saudi Arata) SMDC Reg. No-26621
MBBS, DCM, MS (Ortho) Professor & Head (Ex) Sahabuddin Medical College & Hospital.
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho (Orthopedic Surgery) Fellowship in Arthroplasty & Joint Replacement (Delhi) A.O. Trauma (Basic Advanced Course) Rheumatology, Pain & Osteoarthritis Specialist & Surgeon National Orthopedic Hospital & Rehabilitation Institute, Netore ( Pangu Hospital), Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthopedic Surgery) FCPS (Orthopaedics-FP), AO-advance (Spine Surgery) Orthopedics Specialist & Trauma Surgeon National Orthopedic Hospital & Institute of Rehabilitation (NITOR) Pangu Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery) General & Laparoscopic Surgeon Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital.
MBBS (BMCH). D-Ortho (DMCH) FCPS (Orthopaedics) Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgeon Ex-Consultant (JR), Dhaka Medical College Hospital Ao. Trauma, Basic (Bangladesh) Paediatric Orthopaedics Consultant.
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery) General & Laparoscopic Surgeon Consultant, Department of Surgery Sir Salimullah Medical College Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
Md, Clinical Ordinatura(Surgury), Consaltant Surgon, Expart In Laparascopic Surgury, Diagonostic & Therapic Endoscopic BMDC
MBBS, MS (Orthopedics), D-Ortho, F-Ortho (Singapore) - Gazi Medical College Hospital, Khulna
MBBS (DU), FCPS (Surgery), CCD, Member of SELSB Surgery Specialist, Ever Care Hospital.
MBBS, D-Ortho Orthopedic & Traumatology Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Trauma Specialist Surgeon Spine Surgeon, Congenital Palsy & Ortho-Plastic Surgeon Assistant Professor (Department of Orthopedics) Gazi Medical College Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthopedic Surgury), BSMU (Ex-PG Hospital), Trained in Spain Surgery, Resident Surgeon ( Orthopedics & Tromatology)
MBBS, MS (General Surgery), Assistant Professor (Department of Surgery) - Khulna Medical College and Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS (CMC), BCS (Health), D-Ortho (Nitore), AO Trauma (Basic & Advanced), Senior Consultant (Orthopedics Surgery) -250 bed General Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthopedic Surgery) - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (PG Hospital), Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery), MS (Surgery) Consultant, Department of Surgery Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Gynecology & Obs), BSMMU Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Khulna Medical College and Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) Resident Surgeon, Department of Surgery, Khulna Medical College & Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS, BCS (Health), PGT (Surgery), FCPS (Part-I) Consultant, Department of Colorectal-Breast-Appendixes Khulna Medical College & Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS; BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery) Assistant Professor (Department of Surgery) Sher-e-Bangla Medical College & Hospital, Barisal General & Laparoscopic Surgeon.
MBBS D-Ortho (BSMMU) Consultant in Fractures, Sprains, Rheumatism and Paralysis, Department of Orthopedics, Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisal.
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-(Ortho), FCPS (FB) Consultant & Surgeon Khulna Medical College & Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS, D-Ortho (Dhaka) Consultant & Surgeon, Department of Orthopedics Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialty Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho (BSMMU) Orthopedics and Trauma Surgeon Khulna Medical College and Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS (Dhaka), MS (General Surgery) Surgery Specialist Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka. BMDC Reg: 74564.
MBBS, BCS(Health) D-Ortho (BSMMU) Consultant (Orthopedics & Trauma Surgeon) Orthopedics, Rheumatism, Spine Specialists and Surgeons Chittagong Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho (BSMMU, Dhaka) Department of Orthopedics, Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna.
MS (Orthopedic, National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR), Dhaka . Orthopedics, Fractures, Spine Diseases Joint disease (rheumatism) specialist and surgeon Consultant, Orthopedic Division General Hospital, Barisal.
MBBS, MPH. Chief Health Officer, Barisal City Corporation, General Surgeon
D-Ortho (Nitor), MS (Ortho), PG Hospital Dhaka. A.O. Trauma. Basic (Thailand), Member, A.O Spine (Switzerland), Consultant, Orthopedic Surgeon Sher-e-Bangla Medical College and Hospital, Barisal
MBBS, (Dhaka) BCS (Health), MS (Ortho), Consultant Sher-e-Bangla Medical College and Hospital, Barisal
MBBS, BCS (Health) D-Ortho (Pongu Hospital), PGT (Surgery), Consultant NITOR (Pongu Hospital) Dhaka. BMDC Reg No-A-54959
MBBS, BCS (Health) MPH (PG Hospital) D-Ortho Assistant Registrar, Chittagong Medical College Hospital
MBBS, MCPS (General Surgery) FCPS (Course-General Surgery) General Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon Senior Consultant Surgery BMSDC Reg: No: A-54732
MBBS (Raj), BCS (Health), MS (Surgery-Thesis), CCD-Bardem FCPS (Ortho-FP) Dhaka Medical College Hospital BMDC Reg: A-61032
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedic Surgery) BSMMU (PG Hospital) Orthopedic specialist Consultant Rajshahi Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health) M, B, B, S D-Ortho (BSMMU) Junior Consultant, Orthopedic Surgery Rajshahi Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health) Fellow-APSS D-Ortho, MS-Ortho (NITOR) Orthopedics, Trauma & Spine Surgeon A, O, Member (Thailand), Fellow-Orthoplasty & orthoscopic (India) Assistant Professor National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute (NITOR) Pangu Hospital, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. Orthopedics, Trauma, Pain, Tumors, Spine Specialists and Surgeons.
MBBS, FCPS, (Orthopedics) FCS, (America), Asia Pacific Spine Fellow. Fellows Training in Spine Surgery (Malaysia, Japan, Korea), Spine, Joint, Rheumatism and Paralysis Specialist, Orthopedics Spine Surgeon, Assistant Professor North East Medical College, Sylhet.
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health D. Ortho DU), FRCS (Glasgow), England Consultant: Orthopedic Department, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital.
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedic Surgery) Consultant Sher-e-Bangla Medical College and Hospital, Barisal.
MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (Dhaka) Life Member: Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association (APOA) Life Member: Asia Pacific Spine Society (APSS) Associate Professor and Unit Head, Department of Orthosurgery, Community Based Medical College and Hospital, Mymensingh. BMDC Reg No- A-34764
MBBS, D-Ortho, MS (Ortho) Associate Professor (Ex), Nitor Dhaka. Professor and Head of Department Tayrunnecha Memorial Medical College and Hospital, Gazipur.
MBBS, MS (Ortho) BBS (Health) Consultant (Orthopedic) Surgery) Orthopedic Specialist and Trauma Surgeon Assistant Professor National Institute of Dermatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation (Pangu Hospital), Dhaka.
MBBS, MS (Ortho), FACS (USA) Orthopedic, Rheumatology & Orthopedic Surgeon Professor and Head of Department, Department of Ortho- surgery, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.
MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedic Surgery) National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute (Cripple Hospital), Shere-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka (Nitor) BMDC Reg. No. A 55157
MBBS (DMC), MS (Ortho), A, O (Trauma), Fellowship (India) Orthopedic, Rheumatologist and Orthopedic Surgeon Assistant Professor (Department of Orthopedic Surgery) National Institute of Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation (NETORE)
MBBS, BCS (Health) D-Ortho (Course) Fellowship in Pain Management CCD (Bardem Hospital, Dhaka) Chittagong Medical College Hospital.
MBBS D Ortho, MS (Ortho Course) Chittagong Diabetic Hospital
MBBS, D-Ortho, Orthopedic Surgeon Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics Chittagong International Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho, FCPS (Ortho) AOA Fellow (Nepal), Fellow Pediatric Orthopedics (India), Senior Consultant 250 bedded Noakhali General Hospital, Noakhali.
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedic Surgery) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (PG Hospital), Dhaka Orthopedic Specialist and Surgeon Sher-e Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisal.
MBBS (Comilla) MS (Orthopedics, Resident) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (Dhaka), CCV (Bardem), CMU (Dhaka)
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) MS (Orthopaedics) Fellow AO Trauma (India) Fellow Ilizarov A.M.A.M.I (India) Advanced Training in Joint Replacement (India) Assistant Professor (Department of Orthopaedics) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical College.
MBBS: BCS (Health) D-Ortho (Nitor, National Crippled Hospital) 250 bed General Hospital, Bhola.
MBBS, BCS (Health) D-Ortho) Orthopedics, Rheumatism, Paralysis Specialists and Surgeons. Senior Consultant Orthopedics Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialized Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Orthopaedics Surgery) BSMMU Orthopedics, Rheumatism, Back Pain, Spine, Paralysis, Disability and Trauma Specialist and Trauma Surgeon. Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna.
MBBS, MS (Ortho Surg) (NITOR), Grading in Surgery (AFMI), Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty Surgeon. Course: AO Recon on Hip and Knee Joint Replacement, AO Primary Fracture Management Course, AO Basic Course, Classified Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery, CMH Dhaka.
MBBS (Dhaka), D (Ortho) Dhaka, Senior Consultant (Ortho) Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialty Hospital, Khulna. Khulna Medical College and Hospital, Khulna. Orthopedic, Rheumatoid, Sports and International Specialists and Surgeons
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) FCPS (FP) (Orthopedic Surgery) Assistant Registrar Department of Orthopedics Surgery Sher-e-Bangla Medical College and Hospital, Barisal
MBBS (Shebachim), BCS (Health) D-Ortho (BSMMU/PG Hospital) Specialist in fractures, sprains, rheumatism and paralysis Orthopedics and Trauma Surgeon Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisal.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedic Surgery), NITOR (Pongu Hospital, Dhaka) Consultant Orthopedic Surgery
MBBS, MS-ORTHO (BSMMU) Fractures, Joints, Rheumatism and Crippling Diseases Orthopedic surgeon Consultant Sher-E-Bangla Medical College, Barisal
MB.B.B.S, BCS (Health), MS (Ortho) Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisal.
MBBS (SSMC), MS (Ortho) Head of Department (Orthopedic Surgery) Bangladesh Navy Hospital, Patenga, Chittagong.
MS (Orthopedic Surgery) NITOR (Pangu Hospital), Dhaka. Orthopedic specialist and trauma surgeon National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute, Nitor (Cripple Hospital), Dhaka.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Ortho Surgery) FCPS (End Phase. Chittagong Medical College and Hospital
MBBS, MS (Ortho) NITOR FACS (USA) Associate Professor (Ortho Surgery) Chittagong Medical College & Hospital
MBBS, MS-Ortho (Nitor), BCS (Health) Assistant Professor (Ortho Surgery)
MBBS, MS (Ortho Surgery) Assistant Professor, BGC Trust Medical College & Hospital.
MBBS, (CU), PGT Assistant Registrar: (Department of Orthopaedics) Southern Medical College & Hospital Medicine, experienced in bone, rheumatology, pain.
Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital, Rajshahi
MBBS (Chamek), BCS (Health) (General Surgery) Assistant Registrar (Surgical Oncology) Chittagong Medical College Hospital
MBBS (General Surgery) Chittagong Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS MPH (BSMMU) D Orthopedics Specialist & Surgeon Chittagong Medical College Hospital
MBBS, CCD (Bardem) D-Ortho (BSMMU) Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Department, Southern Medical College Chittagong.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Ortho-Surgery) Fellowship Spine Surgery Spine and Orthopedic Surgeon Registrar of Spine Surgery, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Rajshahi Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS, MS- Ortho Surgery (DMC) Fellowship in Surgery (Korea) AO Spine Advanced Level Operative Course Ganga Hospital, (Tamil Nadu) AO Spine Principal Course (Kolkata) Assistant Professor, Spine Surgery Orthopedic Surgery, Naogaon Medical College Hospital. Spine, Orthopedic Specialist and Surgeon Consultant Spine Orthopedic Surgery Department Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital (X)
MBBS, BCS(Health), D-Ortho, MS(Ortho), Specialist in Bone, Joint, Spine diseases and Facture, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgery, National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR), Dhaka. BMDC Reg. No. - A-38011
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Ortho) FACS, AOA (Trauma) Orthopedics, Disability, Trauma Specialists and Surgeons Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery Consultant, Orthopedic Surgery (X) MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital, Sylhet.
MBBS (SUST), MPH (NIPSOM) PGT (Orthopaedics), CCD (Diabetes) Experienced in diabetes, orthopedics and medicine Ex-Medical Officer Jalalabad Rakib Rabeya Medical College Hospital,
MBBS (SAST), CCD (Bardem) PGT (Orthopedic) Register, Orthopedic Department, North East Medical College and Hospital Sylhet
MBBS; BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery); FACS (USA) General & Laparoscopic Surgeon Associate Professor (Surgery) Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College & Hospital
MBBS, MS (Surgery) General and laparoscopic surgeons Assistant Professor, Surgery Sylhet Women's Medical College and Hospital
MBBS; FCPS (Surgery) General and laparoscopic surgeons Professor (Surgery) North East Medical College and Hospital, Sylhet
MBBS (Dhaka), DGS (Vienna) F.A.M.S (Vienna) Senior Consultant Surgery Department Reg: No. A-14834 Parkview Medical College Hospital, Sylhet.
MBBS, D- Ortho (WC Fellow (Madras) F-Ortho (Singapore) Professor, Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery Member, Wald Orthopedics Concern (Chicago, USA) Visiting Fellow-National University Hospital, Singapore Member, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Member, Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association Member Sicot.
MBBS, BCS (Health) D-Ortho (BSMMU) Consultant (Ortho Surgery) Rangpur Medical College and Hospital, Rangpur.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (General Surgery) BSMMU, CCD (Bardem, Dhaka) General, breast, colorectal and Specialist in laparoscopic surgery Registrar (Surgery) Rajshahi Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery) BSMMU MCPS (Surgery) General and laparoscopic surgeons Rajshahi Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) General & Laparoscopic Surgeon Surgery specialist Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi
MBBS, MS Surgery (2nd Phase), FCPS, Surgery (2nd Phase) MS Pediatric Surgery (2nd Phase) Surgical specialist and surgeon Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital, Rajshahi
MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Obs & Gynecology) Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and Surgeon Rajshahi Medical College Hospital
MBBS, Ortho (DU) Assistant Professor, Ortho Surgery Orthopedic Specialist and Surgeon Nitor, Dhaka
MBBS, MCPS (Surgery) MS PhD (Surgery) Specialist General, Kidney and Laparoscopic Surgeons Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedic Surgery) Orthopedic Specialist and Surgeon Spine and Orthopedic Surgeon Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital, Rajshahi
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Surgery), FC PS (UP) P-1 Consultant (Surgery) Surgical specialist and surgeon Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, (Akh)
FCPS (Surgery) F-MAS- Laparoscopic Surgery (India) Laparoscopic surgery specialist Assistant Professor Rajshahi Medical College Hospital
MBBS, D Ortho (BSMMU) Ortho surgery specialist and surgeon
MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery) Advanced Training in Colorectal and Laser Surgery Specialties: General, Laparoscopic, Piles and Laser Surgeons. Assistant Professor Department of Surgery.
MBBS, D-Ortho Fellowship in Hand and Microsurgery (India) Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Associate Professor Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital
MBBS, CCD, MS (Orthopedic Surgery) FCPS (FP, Orthopedic Surgery) Orthopedic, Trauma and Spine Surgeon Consultant Department of Orthopedic Surgery Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka. Pangu Hospital (Nitor), Dhaka (x)
MBBS, DGO, Resident Surgeon & Consultant (Gynecology & Obstetrics), Obstetrician & Gynecologist & Surgeon, Consultant: Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MCPS (Surgery), FCPS (Surgery), Higher training in Pediatric Surgery. Consultant, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery), Assistant Professor (Department of Surgery) Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Surgery), FCPS (Urology Part-2), Consultant: Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MCPS (Surgery), Registrar (Surgery), General Laparoscopic Surgeon. Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthosurgery), Assistant Professor (Department of Orthosurgery) Khaza Yunus Ali Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthosurgery), Assistant Professor (Department of Orthosurgery) Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho (Ortho Surgery), Consultant: (Ortho Surgery Department) Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery), MS (Pediatric Surgery), Assistant Professor (Pediatric Surgery Department) Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Orth Associate Professor (Orthopedic Surgery) Surgeon specializing in joints, rheumatism, paralysis, paralysis. Patuakhali Medical College and Hospital
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health), D-Ortho- National Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Institute, (NETOR) Dhaka Assistant Registrar (Department of Orthopaedics) Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital, Barisal
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery) Associate Professor (Surgery), General and laparoscopic surgeons. Chittagong Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) FACS (US), DMAS Colorectal Surgery (India), Fellow-Minimal Access Surgery (India), Specialist in General, Laparoscopic and Colorectal Surgery Consultant - Chittagong Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, (CHMEK) BCS (Health) FCPS (Surgery) FACS (US), FMAS (India) Specialist in General, Laparoscopic and Colorectal Surgery Consultant - Chittagong Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, (Chemec) BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) Consultant (Surgery) Fellowship in Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Oncosurgery, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, Delhi (India) General laparoscopic and oncosurgery.
MBBS, MS (Ortho) Trained in Higher Orthopedics (India) Professor and Head of Department Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Chittagong Medical College and Hospital.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Ortho Surgery) & Basic (India), & Advanced Specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery Chittagong Medical College Hospital.
MBBS D Ortho, PGT (General Surgery) Bar and Pair Specialists and Surgeons
MBBS, BCS (Health) D-Ortho (BSMMU) Consultant Orthopedics and Traumatology Chittagong Medical College Hospital.
MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Orthopedic Surgery) Consultant Orthopedics and Trauma Surgeon Chittagong Medical College Hospital. Chittagong Medical College Hospital
MBBS, DU D-Ortho (BSMMU) AO Trauma (Basic) Consultant-Orthopedic Surgery and Footcare Unit Spine, Rheumatology, Fracture and Footcare Specialists and Surgeons Chittagong Medical College Hospital
MBBS, MCPS, DGO, FCPS (Gyne & Obs.) Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Surgeons. Professor & Head of Department (Ex) Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics Former Dean, Faculty of Medicine USTC, Chittagong.
MBBS, FCPS (Obs & Gynecology) Assistant Professor Obstetricians, Gynecologists and Surgeons Marine City Medical College and Hospital. Received special training from Whittington (London) Hospital
MD (Doctor of Medicine) Clinic. ordinatura (D.ortho) Kharkiv, Ukraine, Ph.D (Ortho), Russia. consultant, Orthopedics, Bakerganj Green Life Hospital. X. Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics, City Medical College Hospital, Gazipur, Dhaka.
MBBS, MS (Ortho) M.I.S.S Course (South Korea) And Head of Department, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Northern International Medical College Hospital, Dhaka Former Associate Professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery Community Based Medical College, Mymensingh Former Resident Surgeon (Casualty) Mymensingh Medical College Hospital
MBBS, BCS (Health) CCD (BIRDM) MS (General Surgery) Mymensingh Medical College Hospital BMDC Reg: No.-A-60508
MBBS, BCS (Health) D-Ortho (Orthopedic Surgery) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University CCD (BIRDE), Consultant, Department of Diabetes Orthopedics and Traumatology Mymensingh Medical College and Hospital
MBBS (Ramech), BCS (Health), CCD (BIRDM) D-Ortho (Ortho Surgery), BSMMU Osteoarthritis, Paralysis, Arthritis, Spine, Traumatology and Trauma Surgeon. Registrar (Ortho Surgery Department) Mymensingh Medical College and Hospital Specially trained (Pediatric Ortho Surgery) Higher training (AO Trauma Advance), Switzerland
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health) D-Ortho (Ortho Surgery) BSMMU FCPS (Orthopedics) Part-2 MS (General Surgery) Resident Osteoarthritis, Paralysis, Arthritis, Spine, Traumatology and Trauma Surgeon. Mymensingh Medical College and Hospital.
MBBS: D-Ortho (Ortho Surgery) Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Community Based Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh